The Allergic March: Challenges and Outcomes in Clinical Practice

These 3-day webinar sessions will be chaired by Prof. Ulrich Wahn (from Germany), with presentations and discussions from an International Panel. This educational practically based webinar series is designed to provide:

  • An understanding of the clinical considerations regarding challenges and the role and impact of diagnosis and treatment and where the HCP, patient and carer can be of influence,
  • An opportunity to explore the key role and influence that the HCP plays,
  • The impact of the Allergic March and the burden on patients.

The live-stream sessions are audio-translated into Italian, Polish and Spanish

On-Demand is now available! Click the button below to access the On-Demand on our Exchange Platform. New user? Users should use Registration Code EUFOREA2022



20 September

  • The clinical considerations in regard to challenges and the role and impact of diagnosis and treatment and where the Healthcare Professionals, patients and carers can be of influence.

27 September

  • Exploring the key role and influence that the Healthcare Professionals plays

4 October

  • The impact of the Allergic March and the burden on patients and their networks.

Full Agenda Here

Webinar Chair

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