EUFOREA Master Class on Biologicals in CRSwNP

Join us for an interactive virtual master class designed to provide education to inspire the healthcare community with the latest developments in biological treatment options and clinical outcomes for patients with CRSwNP. This programme includes presentations on:

  • the benefits and shortcomings of current CRSwNP care,
  • immune mechanisms driving CRSwNP,
  • comorbidities, biomarkers and endotypes,
  • management of patient expectations,
  • latest guidelines,
  • patient cases, and more!

The two-hour webinar stream will be chaired by Adj. Prof. Sanna Toppila-Salmim (Finland), and Prof. Martin Wagenmann, (Germany). It will feature prominent experts from Europe and the US. The webinar is an open-access educational product offered by EUFOREA.

Click here for the full agenda!

Watch On-Demand Here

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