What do we do for you?

Advocacy is an essential pillar of EUFOREA. We actively collaborate with other non-governmental organizations working on the prevention and reduction of chronic respiratory diseases, as we believe that a strong, unified and evidence-based message is necessary to trigger a change and make millions of citizens around the world breath better.

Patient Advisory board

Taking into account patients' perspectives

As we believe that patients should be involved in every of our activities, a patient advisory board have been created in June 2018.

Launch of the patient advisory board

The goal of the board is to better understand the needs of patients, the financial and emotional impact of the illness, and to raise awareness at a political level. In addition, patients and experts are working together on novel solutions for a timely access to treatments (e.g. mySinusitisCoach).

Expert Board Meeting

Consensus among experts to accelerate change

EUFOREA is composed of an international network of key opinions leaders, doctors and researchers with expertise in the field of chronic respiratory diseases. To accelerate change and create an efficient and economic healthcare system, expert consensus meetings are regularly organized to discuss and agree on the newest development and paradigm shift in the field. Patients and other non-profit organizations are invited to take part of the discussion.

More information about the next consensus meeting

European Summits

Joining forces to reduce the burden of chronic respiratory diseases

To bring air pollution and chronic respiratory diseases high on the global political agenda, EUFOREA organized European summits in presence of all stakeholders:

  • 2018 - "Air pollution, mhealth, and chronic respiratory diseases", in the Parliament (Seimas), Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 2017 - "Prevention and self-management of chronic airway diseases", in the EU Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. Read the report.
  • 2016 - "Precision medicine for chronic respiratory diseases", in the EU Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. Read the report.

The EU summits are supported by other medical associations (e.g. EAACI, ERS respiratory, ERS rhinology, etc) as well as key policy actors (e.g. European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, MEPs, etc).

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