
What do we do for you?

EUFOREA is a network for all scientists working on chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs). Researchers from all around the world collaborate with EUFORA to shape the future of chronic respiratory care through innovative digital solutions, consensus expert board meeting or open brainstorming sessions. Young and senior researchers are encouraged to join the discussion. Additional medical masterclasses and courses are available for researchers pursuing a clinical career.

Source of real-life data

Thanks to proprietary mHealth tools (mySinusitisCoach and Allergy Diary), EUFOREA has created a digital platform to accelerate the change in care. These tools enable the collection of real-life evidences from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic rhinitis and asthma, which in turn will help answering key research questions; Tracked parameters are:

  • Symptoms & medication
  • Key event in care pathway (surgery, doctor and pharmacy visits, etc)
  • Quality of life and work-related questionnaires
  • Correlation with environmental parameters (air pollution and pollen exposure)

Defining research unmet needs

Every year, EUFOREA organizes different meetings where junior and senior scientists brainstorm and debate about the changes in the field. Obstacles and solutions are reviewed, discussed, and scientific reports are elaborated to summarize the essence of the discussion.  Our goal is to:

  • I. Define the current unmet needs
  • II. Co-create international consensus documents
  • III. Make recommendations to the relevant stakeholders
  • IV. Collaborate & implement solutions

More information about the brainstorming sessions and the debate can be found on the websites of the European Respiratory Research Forum and the Respiratory future debates, respectively. A selection of EUFOREA scientific reports and consensus document are available below.

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Researchers summarizing their scientific projects at a EUFOREA forum

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